Category: SSRC Members

Posts from SSRC members

SSRC Members

Bean feasa agus cara dilís: An tOllamh Eolaíocht Pholaitiúil agus Socheolaíocht, Ricca Edmondson*

Prof Anne ByrneSchool of Political Science and Sociology, College of ArtsNational University of Ireland Galway. This In Memoriam is reproduced with the very kind permission of the Irish Journal of Sociology, see To read Ricca’s words is an exhilarating experience. She brought extraordinary awareness, insight and depth to how sociologists may use language to …

Student Research

What is Migration and How Does the Media Mirror Populist Opinion?

As part of their third year Research Placement for their BSc (Applied Social Sciences) degree at NUI Galway, Moya Gorman, Aideen Murtagh and Jodie King undertook research into migration and specifically how the popular media, in general, often mirrors populist opinion with regards to the value placed on such migration. Under the supervision of Dr …

SSRC Members, SSRC Research

A Myriad of Ways in which Class intersects Climate Change

This article was originally published in 2019 on Discover Society under the title of Climate Change: The Ultimate Class Conflict An evocation of a class perspective remains absent from climate advocacy and debate. Emission disparities are routinely hidden by headline statistics referring to national emissions. Per capita and historical emissions, often used to reallocate blame …

SSRC Members

In Connemara with Tim Robinson

Professor Ricca Edmondson offers a tribute to the late Tim Robinson, best known for his detailed writing about Connemara and the Aran Islands, who passed away in April 2020 Tim Robinson devoted his life to trying to refract the totality of an inhabited place, in his case mainly the region covered by Connemara and the …

SSRC Members, SSRC Research

Accelerating the Social Sciences: An Innovative Structural Approach

The social sciences today are more necessary than ever. Yet, more than ever, we are recognizing some limits of those sciences. In this article, we’ll briefly review some opportunities and constraints of our collective ability to advance those sciences; and, suggest an innovative approach to accelerating our sciences. First, and most broadly, let’s talk science. …

SSRC Members, SSRC Research

Stuck Working: The Challenges of Working from Home for the First Time

With the country de facto lockdown and acting on governmental advice a significant number of people are now working from home as the impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic grips Ireland and other regions across the world. It is estimated that 100,000 people have now switched to eWorking, this in addition to 218,000 people already working …

SSRC Members, SSRC Research

A Study of St Nicholas Street Market in Galway

The trend towards urbanisation continues at an increasing pace and town and city dwellers now make up the majority of the global population for the first time in human history. The early decades of the 21st century have been characterised by increasing economic, social, and political challenges that municipalities have to manage according to the …

SSRC Members

How can Learning Technologies Support Teaching of Social Research Methods?

Introduction While social research methods are arguably a core feature of social science degrees universally, It appears to be a common trend that such modules are generally unpopular and have a bad reputation among students in the social sciences (Bos and Schneider, 2009; Peffefer and Rogalin, 2012; Ryan et al, 2014; Lewthwaite & Nind, 2016).  …